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Brain Injury

A brain injury is the result of any trauma to the brain. At Liverpool Neuro Physio we understand how physiotherapy can successfully manage the physical problems encountered following a brain injury. Common physical problems experienced following a brain injury include muscle weakness, joint stiffness and poor co-ordination when carrying out movements such as walking.

What Is A Brain Injury?

The cause of a brain injury is a severe impact to the head. The brain is protected by the skull. When a brain injury occurs, the brain can often bump against the skull resulting in bruising and possible tearing of brain tissue. The damage to blood vessels and nerves in the brain causes brain damage.

A severe brain injury can result in bleeding in the brain as well as blood clots or a build-up of fluid between the brain and skull, putting pressure on the brain. The build-up of pressure on the brain can have many different emotional, behavioural and physical effects. Depending upon the severity of damage caused to the brain, a brain injury can either be temporary or permanent.

Physiotherapy can be used to treat the physical problems you may experience following a brain injury. These may include muscle weakness, joint stiffness or poor co-ordination. At Liverpool Neuro your physiotherapist will use a variety of treatments which aim to help you recover physically.

Effects Of A Brain Injury

The symptoms following a severe brain injury vary enormously from person to person. The symptoms of a brain injury are dependent on the severity of the brain injury and the area of the brain it has affected, as well as the amount of damage the injury has caused to the surrounding brain tissue. Physiotherapy can help manage the physical effects of a brain injury, which include:

Physiotherapy Treatment For A Brain Injury

Many individuals are left with a significant amount of disability following a brain injury. In order to maximise your recovery it is important once you are discharged from hospital that physiotherapy treatment is continued to allow you to achieve your full functional potential. At Liverpool Neuro Physio our neurological physiotherapists are very experienced in dealing with individuals with brain injuries. Effective and efficient physiotherapy intervention can make long term improvements to the lives of brain injury sufferers. At Liverpool Neuro Physio treatment for a brain injury includes:

At Liverpool Neuro your physiotherapist will conduct a thorough assessment of your needs during which you will discuss with your physiotherapist your short and long term goals for rehabilitation. These goals become the central focus of your programme of physiotherapy treatment. The aim of physiotherapy treatment is to help you regain the maximum movement and functional independence as possible. Treatment for a brain injury focuses on improving your sitting and standing balance to assist in you walking as well as treating any changes in muscle tone by encouraging the active movement of your affected limbs. Once you have regained some active movement in your affected limbs your physiotherapist will teach you functional exercises to increase the strength of your muscles which will help increase the muscle control of your affected limb.

Following a brain injury it can be difficult to perform everyday tasks which were previously simple. As a result everyday life can become a struggle for both you and your family. Therefore at Liverpool Neuro Physio your physiotherapist can offer advice on specialised equipment to make your life easier and to enable you to remain independent, such as walking aids and splints.

At Liverpool Neuro Physio we provide training sessions for carers and families on manual handling techniques. During manual handling training families and carers caring for an individual with a brain injury are taught safe and therapeutic techniques to handle and position brain injury sufferers. These techniques help promote normal movement and a good postural alignment which will aid you in your recovery and maintenance of mobility.

Benefits Of Physiotherapy Treatment For A Brain Injury

The scope of physiotherapy treatment depends on the type and severity of the brain injury. Benefits of treatment can include:

Our physiotherapists at Liverpool Neuro Physio are extremely experienced in dealing with individuals who have encountered a brain injury. Therefore we understand that living with the effects of a brain injury can often be inhibiting and make it difficult to carry out even the simplest of tasks. At Liverpool Neuro Physio we aim to improve your functional abilities where possible, offering you and your family expert advice and guidance along the way.

To arrange an appointment or to speak to one of our specialists, call us on 0151 558 0188 or email office@liverpoolneurophysio.co.uk.

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