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Our Promises

Put patients first

We promise to always put patients first, and make their needs and goals the centre of all decisions regarding their treatment. We recognise the complexity of neurological conditions and that there are sometimes limits to what can be achieved, but we always strive to give open and honest information, and aim to achieve the best possible results for each patient.

Respect and dignity

We promise to respect every patient's aspirations, beliefs and commitments. We value each person as an individual, listen carefully to what they have to say so that we can understand their own priorities, ambitions, abilities and limitations, and keep an open dialogue between therapist and patient so that treatment decisions are made in conjunction with the patient.

Improving lives

We promise to make improving health and quality of life a key factor in determining treatment for our patients, and to recognise how we can be involved in the wider factors that contribute to making people's lives better.

Commitment to quality

We promise to always strive for the very highest quality of service, both in terms of professionalism, communication and confidentiality, through to innovations in clinical practice and service improvement. We always welcome feedback, and promise to learn from the mistakes and build upon the successes.


We promise to approach all patients with kindness and compassion, striving to understand their concerns, frustrations and ambitions. We look for areas where we can make a change for the better, even if it is small, as we realise that even the smallest thing can make a big difference.

To arrange an appointment or to speak to one of our specialists, call us on 0151 558 0188 or email office@liverpoolneurophysio.co.uk.

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Please call us on 0151 558 0188 or email us at office@liverpoolneurophysio.co.uk

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